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суббота, 26 февраля 2011 г.

Ложь большинства западных СМИ о событиях в Ливии

НИКАКИХ БОМБАРДИРОВОК демонстрантов, повстанцев, мятежников, жилых и нежилых кварталов городов и т.п. НЕ БЫЛО. Это гнусная ложь, не имеющая НИКАКОГО отношения к действительности.

Ливия глазами очевидца

Вся эта история про революцию простого народа и про чудовищного диктатора Каддафи, который якобы убил больше 2000 человек и продолжает убивать исходит только от нескольких информационных агенств. Это Reuters, Associated Press, AFR и BBC.

Ложь российских СМИ о событиях в Ливии

В конце есть видео (ТВ Украины), где вернувшиеся из Ливии украинцы говорят, что в Ливии нет никаких демонстраций. Не в пример российским СМИ.

пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Statement by the President of Russia on the situation in Libya

February 25, 2011, 17:00

Dmitry Medvedev expressed deep concern over the events unfolding in Libya.
The numerous victims cited in media reports are cause for profound sorrow. Russia condemns the use of force against civilians sanctioned by the country’s leadership and resolutely calls on Libya’s authorities and all responsible politicians to demonstrate restraint in order to prevent further deterioration of the situation and deaths of civilians. Such acts, if they continue, will be qualified as crimes with all the ensuing consequences under international law.
I did not expect such statement from Dmitry Medvedev. Very surprised. Anyway, neither Obama nor Medvedev did not mention name of Moammar Qadhafi concerning political unrest in Libya

Compilation of Reports About Libyan Crisis: Obama Seeks Consensus

25/02/2011 13:00:00 The Tripoli Post

As the uprising in Libya enters its 10th day, the foreign media keeps on reporting that anti Al Qathafi protestors are increasing the pressure on the Libyan leader, with the British Guardian’s Martin Chulov describing the regime as ailing, mostly due to the “shutting down of oil exports”, the mobilisation of rebel groups in the west of the country and the revolution rapidly spreading around Libya.

The Guardian further reports that Al Qathafi’s hold on power appears confined to parts of Tripoli and perhaps several regions in the centre of the country. Towns to the west of the capital have fallen and all of eastern Libya is firmly in opposition hands, it says.

Basic order has been reported as returning to the streets of Benghazi, after days of fierce fighting that resulted in the military defecting en masse. While virtually all government buildings were looted and wrecked.

Benghazi is now being run by a makeshift organising committee of judges, lawyers and other professionals who have sent out young people to direct traffic and restore basic order.

The British daily quoted a high court lawyer by the name of Amal Bagaigis, saying: "We started just as lawyers looking for our rights and now we are revolutionaries, and we don't know how to manage. We want to have our own face. For 42 years we lived with this kind of barbarianism. We now want to live by ourselves."

All southern oilfields are reported to be in rebel control, with a mechanical engineer with the Sirte oil company telling the Martin Chulov that pressure had been put on field and refinery managers to stop work and protect all foreign nationals working with them. He said the blockade had prevented 80,000 barrels a day being exported from the Dregga field alone.

Meanwhile, the exodus of foreign workers from Libya by sea, road and air continues unabated, with a small number of Turkish workers in Benghazi taking a ferry home. A British ship, HMS Cumberland docked in Benghazi to pick up British passengers there, while a Maltese catamaran that has been chartered by the US for its personnel was expected to leave Tripoli this morning after two days of waiting. It could not sail earlier due to bad weather conditions.

The crisis in Libya is under close scrutiny by foreign governments and US President Barack Obama is getting very much involved, so much so that he has now called on a number of European government to respond to the crisis.

Obama has outlined a range of possible measures to be taken in order to respond to the Libya crisis, and is urging the governments of the UK, France and Italy to agree to his efforts that also include plans for humanitarian assistance.

BBC reported that earlier, the White House had said that all options were on the table, including sanctions, and that the military would present its own proposals to the President.

It also stated that the Libyan revolt has put the UN under the spotlight... because European nations on the Security Council are under public pressure to be seen as doing something”

France’s President Nicolas Sarkozi, British PM David Cameron and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi have been requested by Obama to co-ordinate a response to the Libya crisis. And in a statement, it was stated that the US President had expressed his deep concern with the Libyan government's use of violence, that, it said, “violated international norms and every standard of human decency".

It further stated that, "The leaders discussed the range of options... to hold the Libyan government accountable for its actions, as well as planning for humanitarian assistance."

BBC also quoted US officials saying that he steps could include seeking stronger action by the UN Security Council - including possible sanctions such as travel bans and asset freezes - support for calls to suspend Libya from the UN Human Rights Council, and enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.

The UN Security Council is to meet later today in New York to consider further action against the Libyan government, because, as the UK’s permanent representative, Mark Lyall Grant, had told the Council's member states, Al Qathafi had failed to heed Tuesday's demand to stop the violence against peaceful demonstrators.

Reuters confirmed that the United States is working to build international consensus for action against the Libyan government, which Obama has condemned for "outrageous" violence against its people.

It quoted White House spokesman Jay Carney saying when asked whether the United States was considering military steps, "I'm not ruling out bilateral options". He said the situation "demands quick action."

Neither Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has had direct contact with Al Qathafi, but Reuters quoted State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley saying that US Under Secretary of State William Burns spoke twice with Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa on Wednesday.

Crowley said Al Qathafi had sent "messages" through Libyan officials to the U.S. government but indicated they tracked his public statements, which have said Libya's protesters are inspired by al Qaeda and under the influence of drugs.

With oil markets nervously watching the Libya turmoil, The White House said it was "very cognizant" that oil price increases could hurt the weak U.S. economy, but said the country had the capacity to act, possibly by tapping strategic oil reserves, in the event of a major supply disruption.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to travel to Geneva on Monday for a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council focusing on Libya, and the BBC went on to say that the Swiss government has ordered an immediate freeze on assets belonging to Col Gaddafi and his associates.

The foreign press keeps on repeating Al Qathafi's statements on state TV, that Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda followers were responsible for the violence that was sweeping the country.

The Libyan leader said in a telephone interview, "Bin Laden... this is the enemy who is manipulating people. Do not be swayed by Bin Laden". He went on to say: 'You should not listen to Bin Laden and his followers'

The BBC also quoted Al Qathafi saying that the young protesters were "trigger happy and they shoot especially when they are stoned with drugs"....."They put hallucinatory pills in their drinks, their milk, their coffee, their Nescafe."

Al Qathafi also repeatedly referred to the western town of Az Zawiya, where fierce fighting has been reported, calling the situation there a "farce".

Meanwhile, Libyan state television has reported that the Libyan the air force had destroyed what was left of weapons depots in desert and rural areas outside government control.


пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

Сайт музыкальной группы "Трикстер"

Закончил работу над сайтом. Посмотреть можно здесь. Язык сайта - украинский.

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Let Me Introduce Myself

My name: Maksim
My native city: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Political credo: I am adherent of constitutional monarchy
Religion: I am Orthodox Christian
My interests: green tourism, trips in Carpathian Mountains, progressive rock & progressive metal, symphonic rock, ethnic music, sound engineering, songwriting, arrangement, literature, social journalism
My favorite music: Dream Theater, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Carl Orff, Dmitri Shostakovich, Modest Musorgsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Mekong Delta, Death
My favorite books: 'Crime and Punishment', 'The Idiot' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 'Borrowed Life' by Erich Maria Remarque, 'Martin Eden' by Jack London, 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens, 'Taras Bul'ba' by Nikolai Gogol, 'Woe from Wit' by Aleksandr Griboyedov, 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemingway
Work experience and education: see my curriculum vitae

Why I've got such nickname?
Dr. - well-known English abbreviation for Doctor, 1) a person who treats patients, 2) a person who has a lot of knowledge. Once a long time ago my friends named me so, because I used to teach and preach (in annoying manner), as they said 'to treat' :). The another reason is I used to pretend to be clever, but to be sincere, I am not a rare genius :). Max - derives from name; von Stein - German language construction, von = from, Stein = stone
More about me please read on my web site

среда, 16 февраля 2011 г.

Единоначалие есть символ благоустройства

Политические взгляды у меня монархические. Ибо...

Во всех земных делах очевидно, что порядок и благоустройство возможны только там, где один хозяин и распорядитель. Подтверждает это и многим известная поговорка: «Дела делаются не людьми, а человеком». Единоначалие есть символ благоустройства и обратно: благоустройство есть символ единоначалия.
Иеромонах Пантелеимон

воскресенье, 13 февраля 2011 г.

Норвежцы вложат $70 млн в нефтедобычу на Прикарпатьи

Норвежская нефтегазовая компания проинвестирует 70 миллионов долларов в разработку месторождений на Прикарпатье. Об этом в субботу заявил губернатор Прикарпатья Михаил Вышиванюк. 

Он сообщил, что выступал в торгово-промышленной палате Норвегии, где представлял Ивано-Франковскую область. По его словам, норвежские эксперты считают Украину наиболее привлекательной для инвестиций среди восточноевропейских стран.

Вышиванюк также добавил, что норвежский инвестор привлечет местных специалистов - работников Ивано-Франковского технического национального университета нефти и газа.


Стихи на фото :: мои путешествия Карпатами (2003)

На горе Сыняк. Позади нас - г. Довбушанка

На вершине г. Близница

На вершине г. Гутин Томнатик. Вид на Туркул, Говерлу и Петрос

Подробнее о походах смотрите и читайте на моем сайте и в фотоальбоме.

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пятница, 11 февраля 2011 г.

Фотоальбом о моих путешествиях украинскими Карпатами

Только что окончил добавление URL ссылок на полноразмерные фото в свой фотоальбом, посвященный походам украинскими Карпатами. Можно сказать, что работа сделана. Язык сайта - английский. Добро пожаловать

Поделиться ВКонтакте

My Trips in the Ukrainian Carpathians Photo Album

I just have finished adding the URL references to full size photo in my photo album which is dedicated to my trips in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Let's say the work is done. The language of the site is English. Please feel welcome to visit

воскресенье, 6 февраля 2011 г.

Marty Friedman and Kerry King on Japanese TV Show

Марти: а ты можешь сыграть "Отель Калифорния" группы Иглз?
Керри: я поверить не могу, что ты попросил меня сыграть такую говняную е.чую мелодию... Разве ты не знаешь чт... я играю в Slayer, мля. Так какого х. ты просишь меня, чувак?! Я поверить не могу я на этом сраном ТВ-шоу...